Gas Station


Since December 2014, extending the range of our services, we operate, in cooperation with EKO, a modern M.S.A. at the National Road Thessaloniki-Athens, exit Halastra.

Our goal is to offer high quality fuel and services at competitive prices. At the same time, combining our capacity as a transport company, we have created a comfortable truck parking area, offering drivers a quiet and relaxing environment properly configured. For your safety the space is monitored by CCTV, perimeter protection through infrared as well as a security company.

On our site you will find:

  • Laundry with automatic new generation brush
  • Lubrication with hydraulic ramp
  • Wash machine with hot water
  • Parking space and rest of drivers.
  • WC and disabled WC.
  • Bathroom drivers.

Mini Market

  • Car Lubricants
  • Truck Lubricants
  • Car accessories and truck
  • Various types of packaged food
  • Water-Soft-Juice-Beers
  • Personal care products



